Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Exemplar Flexible - Constant


Constant Nieuwenhuys' "New Babylon" is the "gloomy, expressive counterpart to the pop appeal of Plug-in City" [1].  The megastructure was a Utopian structure that perched above the city below and allowed the occupants to leed a new life above free from their constraints below. 

New Babylon envisages a society of total automation in which the need to work is replaced with a nomadic life of creative play, in which traditional architecture has disintegrated along with the social institutions that it propped up. A vast network of enormous multilevel interior spaces propagates to eventually cover the planet. These interconnected "sectors" float above the ground on tall columns. While vehicular traffic rushes underneath and air traffic lands on the roof, the inhabitants drift by foot through the huge labyrinthine interiors, endlessly reconstructing the atmospheres of the spaces. Every aspect of the environment can be be controlled and reconfigured spontaneously. Social life becomes architectural play. Architecture becomes a flickering display of interacting desires. [2]
The structure was meant to grow endlessly until it connected all around the world, allowing what Constant saw as the bourgeois world to coexist below. This is an interesting solution, or anti-solution, to the CAPITheticAL problem, enabling people to simply allow the current system of parliament to exist below, while a new world is created above.

Without the political implication Constant intended, this project is similar to Spatial City and Next 21.

The centers of production outside this space and the collective facilities inside it determine the general lines of the macro-structure in which, under the influence of indeterminate movements, there will be defined a more differentiated and necessarily more flexible micro-structure. [3]

[1] http://www.megastructure-reloaded.org/en/constant/
[2] http://members.chello.nl/j.seegers1/situationist/constant.html
[3] http://www.notbored.org/new-babylon.html

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