Saturday, September 17, 2011

Research on New parliament House

From: "Back to the Future: The Pragmatic Classicism of Australia's Parliament House" by Paolo Tombesi

  • criticised for avoiding Australia's past and present cultural rifts and socio-ethnical conflicts
  • absence of a clear ideological stance in the design
  • landmark objects - wall, hill, flagmast
  • no larrikinist spirit
  • important considerations in design - flexibility, security, circulation, construction methods, symbolism, building use patterns, the site
  • brief - "the building had to allow for future (and as yet undefined) physical growth, to occur independently in monumental areas, offices, parliamentary suites, and service spaces, either by addition or by expansion and without encroaching upon existing circulation patterns, the latter conceived with the minimum number of interface points."
  • it is a statement that takes place at a large scale to allow for flexibility within
  • the project was used to develop new skills for the country

Many of the above points on new parliament house, especially the brief considerations and new skills creation will also apply to my design. Really the design will just be an extension on the original brief for new parliament house. New parliament house was required to be flexible in allowing changes in the future, my design will fit in with these changes adding a new function to parliament which represents the future of democracy.

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