Sunday, November 6, 2011

Time Managment

Working 30 hours a week and having a baby doesn't leave me much time for uni work. I thought I would struggle with this but I think it has actually been an advantage. I have been forced to think each day before I start working about how is the best way to spend my time.

In the past, after I finished designing my building I would have just drawn up everything in Revit, produced a set of drawings and then tried to lay it out in a presentation. This time, after I got through the design stage, I first wrote a script of exactly what I wanted to say in the presentation. I used this script to then make a list of diagrams and drawings I thought would best describe what I wanted to say and how I would lay it out in a presentation, and what physical models I should make. This allowed me to focus my time only on what needed to be done to communicate my design.

There were also other advantages to doing this. I was able to see problems in my design before I had to drawn and redraw it, because writing the script for the presentation made me think about the details. My presentation was also much smoother as a result of this, in the past I would have struggled in presentations because my layouts did not flow or match with what I wanted to say.

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