Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Concepts for Chamber Floor

Ron Arad
Initial Concept
Hydraulic rams move furniture in and out

Desks recess into floor and are covered for protection

The tiered seating levels out to a flat floor

The floor of my chamber needs to quickly change from a large debating chamber to spaces for small groups of people brainstorming or discussing.

Initially I was going to do a concept similar to the Ron Arad furniture in the first image, although the blocks would slide up and down as needed. I did a few variations of this but realised that the citizen parliamentarians will also need proper furniture, like comfortable chairs and desks in order to work effectively. This didn't seem possible so next I looked at set tiered benches which could retract and stack up against the outer wall, leaving the floor flat, similar to a theatre. With the circular shape of my design this would also not work. The third option shows tired benches that can be raised and lowered. The desks also lower inside the benches. Normal work chairs would be shifted around by staff while this was happening, and the citizen parliamentarians would have an opportunity to take a break, have a chat and refresh their brains outside.

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