Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Research Into Emerging Technologies

I went to the Asia Pacific Design Library at SLQ to do some research into emerging technologies that can help make my design flexible. I was especially looking at ways I could make the same space accomodate one different use after another after another.

A Touch of Code had some great ideas that I may be able to adapt to architectural solutions/different scales in my design.

Siftables by Sifteo - small computers with motion sensors, neighbour detection, graphic displays and wireless communication. I could adapt these to movable partitions or furniture that could communicate with each other depending on how they are placed in the room.

Level Green by Art+Com - interactive displays. They also did an interactive table at the BMW museum.

Plan B Digital City Map by ORIKO - a kind of GPS for blind people that uses small round balls like pixels to make a tactile map of the persons surroundings. I could actually use this in a completely different way as a way to change furniture or room layouts.

Colour Chaser & Sound Chaser by Yuri Suzuki - sensors allow the train to follow a line, when it meets a different colour it makes a different sound. I could almost imagine people drawing a room layout on the floor and robotic partitions following the lines. Sound chaser works the same way but follows broken sections of old records.

In The Bubble by Simon Marxen - computer sensors track the movements of people inside the bubble and and raise or lower to change shape. A ceiling like this could be used to convert a large space into smaller private spaces as uses in my design change from presentations to small group discussions.

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