Thursday, October 13, 2011

Megastructure Concept

initial concept of shape

final concept of megastructure

 My concept for the roof is based on the megastructures I looked at earlier.

Why I chose the shape?

  • it is iconic and will be recognisable
  • it allows light to pass through to the lawn and buildings below
  • it is symbolic of a landscape that has been slowly changed over time
  • it remains aligned to the features that were important in the design of new parliament house

Giurgola's concept sketch for new parliament house showing important axis

Using a megastructure will allow for an extra level of flexibility. I intend to make the Citizen's Parliament spaces rapidly flexible, but the megastructure also allows for flexibility over a longer period of time. The spaces in the structure can be changed over time, maybe as the structure of the government changes or as more or less space is needed, new structures can be built or removed while the megastructure will remain. 

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